Items tagged with "Culturally responsive leadership"
Mackintosh Anne
Research elements of bilingual education, with a view to establishing a bilingual class at our school.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Mackintosh Anne
Mangere East students and “Bobbie” maths

In this story Massey University researcher Dr Bobbie Hunter and the leadership team at Mangere East Primary School talk about the community of mathematical inquiry there that has Pasifika students and their fanau fizzing.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership, Curriculum, Pasifika student achievement, Student engagement
Māori education success
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
Meynell Christopher
Investigate culturally responsive pedagogies and learning approaches that are creating positive learning outcomes for priority learners. Gather information about how cultural relationships are reflected in the pedagogy and curriculum of schools.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Primary award recipients 2020
- Meynell Christopher
Murfitt Daniel
My research is focused on developing an understanding about what experiences and conditions have influenced me within my leadership roles in New Zealand secondary schools.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Secondary award recipients 2015
- Murfitt Daniel
O'Brien Tracy
To further extend Asia Awareness education in Kavanagh College and to move toward "Asia readiness".
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Secondary award recipients 2015
- O'Brien Tracy
Pearson Hoana
Leadership, diversity, culture, and change.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Primary award recipients 2007
- Pearson Hoana
Pettit Michael
Develop a kete that will provide improved knowledge, skills, understanding and effective practices to successfully engage Māori and Pasifika parents and wider whānau.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2016
- Pettit Michael
Pitt Vanessa
Investigate the actions, activities, and conditions of school leaders that contribute to effective Māori student achievement and or improvements in Māori student achievement.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2011
- Pitt Vanessa
Preece Ross
To complete a paper at UNITEC - 'Leadership in Education.' To visit other area schools and smaller high schools and investigate how they are providing for their Māori students and what provision they are making for their non-academic senior students.
Tags: Culturally responsive leadership
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Area award recipients 2012
- Preece Ross
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